Ok, so I am reading my old posts and it was over a year ago that I last posted. Well.. time flies.
I still can't believe it has been a year but I guess the computer doesn't lie. :)
Over this past year all has been good. Life is good to me with a very supportive and loving husband. Even tho I do not wear a wedding ring because I still feel like he is my eternal boyfriend,, but yes,, he is also my husband.
This past week, THE TRAGICALLY HIP played their last concert. It was an emotional concert. Gord Downie has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer so he and his band decided to do one last tour. He broke down during the concert and cried out loud... in anger, in hate, in despair, the fact this was his last concert and what lays ahead? The what if's....
I had been there. When first diagnosed, I felt all that. I get it. Mine ended up being the less of the worst and here I am today, but it all starts the same way with the same emotions. My heart goes out to Gord Downie and his family and friends.
So, over this past year, what has happened? I'm aging. Just turned 50. Past menopause YEAH!!!! :) Getting clear lines across certain parts of my face.. YUCK! Age spots on my hands and arms... What the Heck! lol But I was so happy to be turning 50. When most women abhor it, I enveloped it. Why? Because I was turning 50 when many women who have walked this earth had not had the opportunity to do.
Lately over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed a change in my memory. I am now calling my cat the name of my old cat I had 15 yrs ago. I do not recognize people that I should. I cannot remember names of people I should easily remember. It is troubling to me. Naz just says it makes me interesting lol
If you are new to reading this and finding this site, please join the facebook vagal schwannoma site where you will find over 300 plus more people who have been diagnosed with a vagal schwannoma. It is a closed group so no need to worry about others seeing your posts.
Below are a few pictures from the weekend during the last Tragically Hip Concert. I have one thing to say,,"Some may call me crazy, but I call it, me being me"...
Life is a gift so enjoy it!