So here's the thing. Numbness is down to 1-2 times a day. That's not bad seeing that today is the FIRST day I have not had it at all. I have a bit of tightness in my swallowing, but that is ok. With CK, not all symptoms go away and most stay but with less intensity.
My weight is going down with proper eating and less of my Bobcaygeon Medication (wine). I'm feeling back to ME again. That is a good thing.
Wow,, just checking out the roots that are depicted in the picture on the right showing off my bald spots.. lololol... of course I'm naturally blonde... lol
Anyway, life is good. Been watching way too much PVR t.v. I hate commercials so I tape things and watch them later. Dumb thing is,,, while I'm taping the show I love, I watch something else WITH commercials. In the summer I watch no T.V. So right now it's Revenge, Smash, The Good WIfe, Survivor (just started), American Idol, The voice, The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family. 7 hours of t.v. per week. Most of it is watched Friday night. Naz watches everything with me except Smash. Too chick-ish for him.
Oh yeah, and I had my friend cut my hair. Hated my haircut so we got scissors and chopped off the back mullet that was left of my hair and did all sorts of crazy things with the sides of my hair. Thank goodness for wavy hair cause it hides all the hacking we did.
Have a fantastic Family Day Weekend!!!!!