Decided that a strong mindset equals a healthier body. I have always had that rational, but sometimes things get the best of me. Not anymore.
I'm putting my mind to feeling good even on days I may not. It's sometimes hard because people will ask "How are you?" and I have to lie and say "Great". Well, eventually I couldn't even do that. So I'm back to the "Great" starting tomorrow. I think that will probably steer me to feeling better. lololol "probably".. let's just say "IT WILL".
17 days until my MRI and Oncologist appointment in Ottawa. I love answers. :)
Found an amazing radio station up here in Bobcaygeon area and I think it's new. 96.7 FM. It has new and old music, it has country, it has rock... Love those stations that play songs that I know every word to. Too bad I can't even list off the provinces of Canada, but I certainly can list off the lyrics to 100's of songs! One's I have not even heard since childhood suddenly pop into my head.
Green, I love the colour green.... it's my favourite. :)