What a very long and miserable winter. It was the never ending snow falls, the icy roads, the sudden deer in the headlights, the scraping of windshields, the frozen cold work equipment and lastly, the lack of outside fitness walks. Yup, I'm back onto them. Going to get rid of my 10 lbs of winter blahhhhss that I accumulated over the last 4 1/2 months. Bound and determined.
Added another "Share your story" today and I must THANK the people who are participating because I feel they are so valuable to read. There was not ONE site I could find that would give me that much information when I was first diagnosed. The kind that I needed to read that brought it all together in one list of paragraphs. THANK YOU!
Once again, life is so amazingly wonderful and I am so glad to be a part of it with the family and friends that are within it. Holy sappy-ness... lol