Well, on the contrary, I showered this a.m. and the tub was full, the showercurtain was lined with hair, and when I towel dried my hair, it also was full. I am not complaining as I have soooo much hair to begin with. But I hope it'll stop at ONE point.
Hair Thinning and Hair Loss Hair loss may be temporary or permanent, depending upon the dose of radiation and your particular treatment plan. If your hair loss is temporary, it usually takes about 3 months before your hair begins to grow back.
I found that on the internet under a cyberknife after effects. Anyway, I guess you can't radiate around hair and not expect some loss. Then again, could just be that dry cold time of year hair change.. (yeah right).
Anyway, If you see me wigging it along the way, I'll go Brunette!!!! :p
It's Friday, my favorite day of the week. Even tho I love my job, I love time with the family even more! xo