Bad news is: there are new members joining every week to the facebook site for head and neck schwannomas.
Get what I mean? It's good they found us but it is bad they have one in the first place. But what better place to be but in Schwammie-Ville on facebook! Great bunch of members who have been thru it, going thru it, starting it or are there as supporters.
I am thankful for this community and know that since this is a life long journey we will always have one another. No one can know what we are speaking of without experiencing it. Even our own doctors tell us these symptoms are not related but,,, when we put all our symptoms together, we are all one of the same.
Right now the surgery vs. cyberknife debate is going. My personal opinion is that most doctors are so un-informed regarding either treatment. If you are a doctor reading this post (prolly not lol) then please have the guts to admit you may not know everything and seek all the options there are available for your patient. Seek doctors who have much experience with this and ask questions, offer referrals if you are new to it. Email me privately and I can give you doctors names who are well experienced with vagal schwannomas. Just sayin... :)