I can't even really remember if I already wrote about me leaving my grocery cart in the parking lot at the grocery store. FULL! I got home and realized I had no groceries and had to drive back for them. The attendants put it back in the store for me. I had left it at the back of my vehicle. Had I backed out, I would have run it over but I pulled forward out of the parking spot.
If I look down at my gas gauge and I need gas, I MUST log that into my calendar reminder setting on my blackberry or I will forget. Like the time I needed gas, drove all the way to the bank to get money for gas, then drove all the way back home, Without getting the gas that I drove to the bank to get the money for!!! Duh!
Anyway, that's another crazy part of my life I deal with all the time. I'll share story after story and at one point one of you will say,, "Have you thought about alzheimers?".. lol
Anyway, I'm feeling punkish lately, but so is everyone else. Just totally exhausted. I need to get my hair re-coloured but am afraid to as thinking it may irritate the roots of my hair. Don't need anymore hair falling out.
2 more people have joined my facebook vagal schwannoma group with V.S.'s and questions and their own stories to share. We can all learn from eachother. That is a great thing!