I run into this all the time. But more and more, people are getting smart to their own bodies.
I have recently come into contact with a gentleman who has a vagal schwammy. Could be something else,, remember people, nothing is ever FOR SURE no matter what tests you have. Anyway, long story short.. lol... he is researching and finding out that sometimes docs are not always the GODS we put them on the pedestal as. They are actually human. lol And, humans make mistakes.
If you found this site today, don't stop here. Come join our facebook group. Make an alias name if you are not comfy in showing yourself, and find out there are plenty out there just like you. Get your answers. Get the doctors names that are educated with this type of tumour. This is world wide so don't think for one minute we don't know doctors in other countries who can help you.. we do! :)
Before you leave this page, take a listen to the two videos listed at the right column of this page. "Angels on the moon".. that is a song I heard when first diagnosed. Took me miles away from my thoughts everytime I heard it. Still gives me chills. Because, when first diagnosed, I was told some pretty scary stuff! Next video, "My schwannoma".. lololol... can't help but love this video! Have a listen!
Have a great Hump Day!